Artifacts and Curiosities
Three bundles which John Ferrier's party took with them
27/05/11 16:12
Ferrier carried the bag of gold and notes, Jefferson Hope had the scanty provisions and water, while Lucy had a small bundle containing a few of her more valued possessions.
Threatening notes left for John Ferrier
27/05/11 16:09
He (John Ferrier) expected that he would receive some message or remonstrance from Young as to his conduct, and he was not mistaken, though it came in an unlooked-for manner. Upon rising next morning he found, to his surprise, a small square of paper pinned on to the coverlet of his bed just over his chest. On it was printed, in bold, straggling letters: —
“Twenty-nine days are given you for amendment, and then —”
Still more shaken was he next morning. They had sat down to their breakfast, when Lucy with a cry of surprise pointed upwards. In the centre of the ceiling was scrawled, with a burned stick apparently, the number 28.
That night he sat up with his gun and kept watch and ward. He saw and he heard nothing, and yet in the morning a great 27 had been painted upon the outside of his door.
Thus day followed day; and as sure as morning came he found that his unseen enemies had kept their register, and had marked up in some conspicuous position how many days were still left to him out of the month of grace. Sometimes the fatal numbers appeared upon the walls, sometimes upon the floors, occasionally they were on small placards stuck upon the garden gate or the railings.
“Twenty-nine days are given you for amendment, and then —”
Still more shaken was he next morning. They had sat down to their breakfast, when Lucy with a cry of surprise pointed upwards. In the centre of the ceiling was scrawled, with a burned stick apparently, the number 28.
That night he sat up with his gun and kept watch and ward. He saw and he heard nothing, and yet in the morning a great 27 had been painted upon the outside of his door.
Thus day followed day; and as sure as morning came he found that his unseen enemies had kept their register, and had marked up in some conspicuous position how many days were still left to him out of the month of grace. Sometimes the fatal numbers appeared upon the walls, sometimes upon the floors, occasionally they were on small placards stuck upon the garden gate or the railings.
Handcuffs produced by Sherlock Holmes
27/05/11 16:02
“Why don’t you introduce this pattern at Scotland Yard?” he continued, taking a pair of steel handcuffs from a drawer. “See how beautifully the spring works. They fasten in an instant.” (Sherlock Holmes)
See also:
See also:
Poisonious pills
27/05/11 15:57
"Could you lay your hand upon those pills?”
“I have them,” said Lestrade, producing a small white box; “I took them and the purse and the telegram, intending to have them put in a place of safety at the police station.
“Give them here,” said Holmes. “Now, Doctor,” turning to me, “are those ordinary pills?”
They certainly were not. They were of a pearly gray colour, small, round, and almost transparent against the light. “From their lightness and transparency, I should imagine that they are soluble in water.”
“I have them,” said Lestrade, producing a small white box; “I took them and the purse and the telegram, intending to have them put in a place of safety at the police station.
“Give them here,” said Holmes. “Now, Doctor,” turning to me, “are those ordinary pills?”
They certainly were not. They were of a pearly gray colour, small, round, and almost transparent against the light. “From their lightness and transparency, I should imagine that they are soluble in water.”
Items found in Stangerson's room at Halliday's Private Hotel
27/05/11 15:55
"The man’s novel, with which he had read himself to sleep, was lying upon the bed, and his pipe was on a chair beside him. There was a glass of water on the table, and on the window-sill a small chip ointment box containing a couple of pills.” (Inspector Lestrade)
Stangerson's purse
27/05/11 15:54
"Stangerson had Drebber’s purse in his pocket, but it seems that this was usual, as he did all the paying. There was eighty-odd pounds in it, but nothing had been taken." (Inspector Lestrade)
Enoch Drebber's top hat
27/05/11 15:52
"You remember the hat beside the dead man?” (Inspector Lestrade)
“Yes,” said Holmes; “by John Underwood and Sons, 129, Camberwell Road.”
See also:
“Yes,” said Holmes; “by John Underwood and Sons, 129, Camberwell Road.”
See also:
Book recently purchased by Sherlock Holmes
27/05/11 14:23
"This is a queer old book I picked up at a stall yesterday — De Jure inter Gentes — published in Latin at Liege in the Lowlands, in 1642. Charles’s head was still firm on his shoulders when this little brown-backed volume was struck off.”
“Who is the printer?”
“Philippe de Croy, whoever he may have been. On the flyleaf, in very faded ink, is written ‘Ex libris Guliolmi Whyte.’ I wonder who William Whyte was. Some pragmatical seventeenth century lawyer, I suppose. His writing has a legal twist about it." (Sherlock Holmes)
“Who is the printer?”
“Philippe de Croy, whoever he may have been. On the flyleaf, in very faded ink, is written ‘Ex libris Guliolmi Whyte.’ I wonder who William Whyte was. Some pragmatical seventeenth century lawyer, I suppose. His writing has a legal twist about it." (Sherlock Holmes)
Dr Watsons service revolver
27/05/11 14:11
"Have you any arms?” (Sherlock Holmes)
“I have my old service revolver and a few cartridges.” (Dr Watson)
“You had better clean it and load it."
“I have my old service revolver and a few cartridges.” (Dr Watson)
“You had better clean it and load it."
Facsimile wedding ring
27/05/11 14:07
“Oh, yes, you have,” said he, handing me one. “This will do very well. It is almost a facsimile.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Wedding ring required by Sherlock Holmes should anyone respond to his advertisement.
Wedding ring required by Sherlock Holmes should anyone respond to his advertisement.
Gray dust and Trichinopoly
27/05/11 14:01
In one place he (Sherlock Holmes) gathered up very carefully a little pile of gray dust from the floor, and packed it away in an envelope.
"He (Jefferson Hope) smoked a Trichinopoly cigar."
"I gathered up some scattered ash from the floor. It was dark in colour and flaky — such an ash is only made by a Trichinopoly. I have made a special study of cigar ashes — in fact, I have written a monograph upon the subject. I flatter myself that I can distinguish at a glance the ash of any known brand either of cigar or of tobacco." (Sherlock Holmes)
See also:
"He (Jefferson Hope) smoked a Trichinopoly cigar."
"I gathered up some scattered ash from the floor. It was dark in colour and flaky — such an ash is only made by a Trichinopoly. I have made a special study of cigar ashes — in fact, I have written a monograph upon the subject. I flatter myself that I can distinguish at a glance the ash of any known brand either of cigar or of tobacco." (Sherlock Holmes)
See also:
27/05/11 13:58
Why was that corner chosen to write it on? I will tell you. See that candle on the mantelpiece. It was lit at the time, and if it was lit this corner would be the brightest instead of the darkest portion of the wall.” (Inspector Lestrade)
" ‘Rache,’ is the German for ‘revenge’; so don’t lose your time looking for Miss Rachel.”
"It was simply a blind intended to put the police upon a wrong track, by suggesting Socialism and secret societies. It was not done by a German. The A, if you noticed, was printed somewhat after the German fashion. Now, a real German invariably prints in the Latin character, so that we may safely say that this was not written by one, but by a clumsy imitator who overdid his part." (Sherlock Holmes)
" ‘Rache,’ is the German for ‘revenge’; so don’t lose your time looking for Miss Rachel.”
"It was simply a blind intended to put the police upon a wrong track, by suggesting Socialism and secret societies. It was not done by a German. The A, if you noticed, was printed somewhat after the German fashion. Now, a real German invariably prints in the Latin character, so that we may safely say that this was not written by one, but by a clumsy imitator who overdid his part." (Sherlock Holmes)
Contents of Enoch Drebber's pockets
27/05/11 13:48
“A gold watch, No. 97163, by Barraud, of London. Gold Albert chain, very heavy and solid. Gold ring, with masonic device. Gold pin — bull-dog’s head, with rubies as eyes. Russian leather cardcase, with cards of Enoch J. Drebber of Cleveland, corresponding with the E. J. D. upon the linen. No purse, but loose money to the extent of seven pounds thirteen. Pocket edition of Boccaccio’s ‘Decameron,’ with name of Joseph Stangerson upon the flyleaf. Two letters — one addressed to E. J. Drebber and one to Joseph Stangerson.” Read More...
Wedding ring
27/05/11 13:47
We all gathered round him and gazed at it. There could be no doubt that that circlet of plain gold had once adorned the finger of a bride.
Red wax candle
27/05/11 13:42
Stuck on one corner of the immitation marble fireplace at 3 Lauriston Gardens where the murder of Enoch J. Drebber took place.
List prepared by Dr Watson of Sherlock Holmes' accomplishments
27/05/11 13:40
Sherlock Holmes — his limits:
1. Knowledge of Literature. — Nil.
2. “ “ Philosophy. — Nil.
3. “ “ Astronomy. — Nil.
4. “ “ Politics. — Feeble.
5. “ “ Botany. — Variable.
Well up in belladonna, opium, and poisons generally.
Knows nothing of practical gardening.
6. Knowledge of Geology. — Practical, but limited.
Tells at a glance different soils from each other.
After walks has shown me splashes upon his trousers, and told me by their colour and consistence in
what part of London he had received them.
7. Knowledge of Chemistry. — Profound.
8. “ “ Anatomy. — Accurate, but unsystematic
9. “ “ Sensational Literature. — Immense.
He appears to know every detail of every horror
perpetrated in the century.
10. Plays the violin well.
11. Is an expert singlestick player, boxer, and swordsman.
12. Has a good practical knowledge of British law.
1. Knowledge of Literature. — Nil.
2. “ “ Philosophy. — Nil.
3. “ “ Astronomy. — Nil.
4. “ “ Politics. — Feeble.
5. “ “ Botany. — Variable.
Well up in belladonna, opium, and poisons generally.
Knows nothing of practical gardening.
6. Knowledge of Geology. — Practical, but limited.
Tells at a glance different soils from each other.
After walks has shown me splashes upon his trousers, and told me by their colour and consistence in
what part of London he had received them.
7. Knowledge of Chemistry. — Profound.
8. “ “ Anatomy. — Accurate, but unsystematic
9. “ “ Sensational Literature. — Immense.
He appears to know every detail of every horror
perpetrated in the century.
10. Plays the violin well.
11. Is an expert singlestick player, boxer, and swordsman.
12. Has a good practical knowledge of British law.
Jezail bullet which injured Dr Watson
27/05/11 13:32
Which shattered the bone and grazed the subclavian artery. (Source of much discussion as Dr Watson's injury seemed to gravitate to his leg as time passed.)
See also:
See also:
Cyanea capillata
26/08/09 14:48
The strange object at which I pointed did indeed look like a tangled mass torn from the mane of a lion. It lay upon a rocky shelf some three feet under the water, a curious waving, vibrating, hairy creature with streaks of silver among its yellow tresses. It pulsated with a slow, heavy dilation and contraction.

See also:

See also:
Cross under the stamp
18/08/09 14:00
“There was a letter and there was a small packet, each with the cross under the stamp which warned me not to touch them.” (Trevor Bennett)
Nine day cycle of dates
18/08/09 13:58
“This excellent young man’s diary shows that there was trouble upon July 2nd, and from then onward it seems to have been at nine-day intervals, with, so far as I remember, only one exception.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Little wooden box
18/08/09 13:56
“The professor brought back a little wooden box from his travels. It was the one thing which suggested a Continental tour, for it was one of those quaint carved things which one associates with Germany.” (Trevor Bennett)
Ten yards of string
11/08/09 16:56
Now, officer, can you give me ten yards of string?” (Sherlock Holmes)
The village shop provided a ball of stout twine.
The village shop provided a ball of stout twine.
Chip on the parapet of Thor Bridge
11/08/09 16:46
“This is curious,” said he.
“Yes, sir, we saw the chip on the ledge. I expect it’s been done by some passer-by.” (Sergeant Coventry) Read More...
“Yes, sir, we saw the chip on the ledge. I expect it’s been done by some passer-by.” (Sergeant Coventry) Read More...
Revolver found in Grace Dunbar's wardrobe
11/08/09 16:28
“A revolver with one discharged chamber and a calibre which corresponded with the bullet was found on the floor of her wardrobe.” (Sherlock Holmes) Read More...
Dr Watson's revolver
11/08/09 16:23
“Watson,” said he, “I have some recollection that you go armed upon these excursions of ours.” (Sherlock Holmes) Read More...
Angry red pucker
02/08/09 16:13
“Fancy anyone having the heart to hurt him,” he muttered as he glanced down at the small, angry red pucker upon the cherub throat.” (Robert Ferguson)
The dog
02/08/09 16:12
“And the dog! If one were to use such a poison, would one not try it first in order to see that it had not lost its power? I did not foresee the dog, but at least I understand him and he fitted into my reconstruction.” (Sherlock Holmes)
South American utensils and weapons
02/08/09 15:23
A fine collection of South American utensils and weapons, which had been brought, no doubt, by the Peruvian lady upstairs.
“A South American household. My instinct felt the presence of those weapons upon the wall before my eyes ever saw them.” (Sherlock Holmes)
“A South American household. My instinct felt the presence of those weapons upon the wall before my eyes ever saw them.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Index Volume 'V'
02/08/09 15:21
I leaned back and took down the great index volume to which he referred. Holmes balanced it on his knee, and his eyes moved slowly and lovingly over the record of old cases, mixed with the accumulated information of a lifetime.
Burnt remains of the novel written by Douglas Maberley
31/07/09 14:15
She broke into a ripple of laughter and walked to the fireplace. There was a calcined mass which she broke up with the poker. “Shall I give this back?” she asked. (Isadora Klein)
26/07/09 14:19
Holmes withdrew, picking up his violin from the corner as he passed. A few moments later the long-drawn, wailing notes of that most haunting of tunes came faintly through the closed door of the bedroom.
26/07/09 14:16
Then he threw open the table drawer and drew out a squat notebook.
“Do you know what I keep in this book?”
“No, sir, I do not!” (Count Sylvius)
“Yes, sir, you! You are all here — every action of your vile and dangerous life.” (Sherlock Holmes)
“Do you know what I keep in this book?”
“No, sir, I do not!” (Count Sylvius)
“Yes, sir, you! You are all here — every action of your vile and dangerous life.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Wax facsimile of Sherlock Holmes
26/07/09 14:13
Dr. Watson could not restrain a cry of amazement. There was a facsimile of his old friend, dressing-gown and all, the face turned three-quarters towards the window and downward, as though reading an invisible book, while the body was sunk deep in an armchair.
Brown leather gloves worn by Ralph the butler
21/07/09 17:07
He wore brown leather gloves, which at sight of us he instantly shuffled off, laying them down on the hall-table as we passed in.
it was undoubtedly from them that the curious tarry odour was oozing.
I noticed that Ralph, who carries out the meals, had gloves which are impregnated with disinfectants.
it was undoubtedly from them that the curious tarry odour was oozing.
I noticed that Ralph, who carries out the meals, had gloves which are impregnated with disinfectants.
Book written by Baron Gruner on the subject of Chinese Pottery
18/07/09 16:36
“Who told you I was a connoisseur?”
“I was aware that you had written a book upon the subject.”
“Have you read the book?”
“Dear me, this becomes more and more difficult for me to understand! You are a connoisseur and collector with a very valuable piece in your collection, and yet you have never troubled to consult the one book which would have told you of the real meaning and value of what you held.”
“I was aware that you had written a book upon the subject.”
“Have you read the book?”
“Dear me, this becomes more and more difficult for me to understand! You are a connoisseur and collector with a very valuable piece in your collection, and yet you have never troubled to consult the one book which would have told you of the real meaning and value of what you held.”
Book of Baron Gruner
18/07/09 16:34
“It‘s a book he has — a brown leather book with a lock, and his arms in gold on the outside." (Kitty Winter) Read More...
18/07/09 16:31
I knelt by the injured man and turned that awful face to the light of the lamp. The vitriol was eating into it everywhere and dripping from the ears and the chin. One eye was already white and glazed. The other was red and inflamed. The features which I had admired a few minutes before were now like some beautiful painting over which the artist has passed a wet and foul sponge. They were blurred, discoloured, inhuman, terrible.
See also:
See also:
Ming saucer
18/07/09 16:28
He opened the lid and took out a small object most carefully wrapped in some fine Eastern silk. This he unfolded, and disclosed a delicate little saucer of the most beautiful deep-blue colour. Read More...
Radix pedis Diaboli. Devil's-foot root
15/07/09 16:09
“It is no reflection upon your professional knowledge,” said he, “for I believe that, save for one sample in a laboratory at Buda, there is no other specimen in Europe. It has not yet found its way either into the pharmacopaeia or into the literature of toxicology. The root is shaped like a foot, half human, half goatlike; hence the fanciful name given by a botanical missionary. It is used as an ordeal poison by the medicine-men in certain districts of West Africa and is kept as a secret among them.”
“It stimulates those brain centres which control the emotion of fear, and how either madness or death is the fate of the unhappy native who is subjected to the ordeal by the priest of his tribe.” (Dr Leon Sterndale)
“It stimulates those brain centres which control the emotion of fear, and how either madness or death is the fate of the unhappy native who is subjected to the ordeal by the priest of his tribe.” (Dr Leon Sterndale)
£50 cheque
05/07/09 13:23
Cheque for £50 given by Lady Frances to her maid Marie Devine as a wedding present.
Monograph supposedly being written by Dr Shlessinger
05/07/09 13:20
Map of the Holy Land with special reference to the kingdom of the Midianites.
See also:
See also:
Coffin built to unusual specifications
05/07/09 13:18
‘It took longer, being out of the ordinary.’
Pictures on walls of Holmes' bedroom
01/07/09 14:42
I walked slowly round the room, examining the pictures of celebrated criminals with which every wall was adorned.
Litter on mantlepiece in Holmes' bedroom
01/07/09 14:39
Finally, in my aimless perambulation, I came to the mantelpiece. A litter of pipes, tobacco-pouches, syringes, penknives, revolver-cartridges, and other debris was scattered over it.
Small black and white ivory box
01/07/09 14:36
A small black and white ivory box with a sliding lid. It was a neat little thing.
“The spring! It drew blood. This box — this on the table.”
“No, Watson, I would not touch that box. You can just see if you look at it sideways where the sharp spring like a viper’s tooth emerges as you open it.” (Sherlock Holmes)
“The spring! It drew blood. This box — this on the table.”
“No, Watson, I would not touch that box. You can just see if you look at it sideways where the sharp spring like a viper’s tooth emerges as you open it.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Emerald tie pin
26/06/09 17:09
Some weeks afterwards I learned incidentally that my friend spent a day at Windsor, whence he returned with a remarkably fine emerald tie-pin.
Short life preserver
26/06/09 17:05
"Oberstein had a short life-preserver. He always carried it with him. As West forced his way after us into the house Oberstein struck him on the head. The blow was a fatal one." (Colonel Valentine Walter)
See also:
See also:
Envelope containing slips of paper also found in Oberstein's study
26/06/09 17:02
There only remained an envelope with some small newspaper slips inside it. He shook them out on the table, and at once I saw by his eager face that his hopes had been raised.
“What’s this, Watson? Eh? What’s this? Record of a series of messages in the advertisements of a paper. Daily Telegraph agony column by the print and paper. Right-hand top corner of a page. No dates — but messages arrange themselves."
(See Letters, Telegrams and Notices etc.)
“What’s this, Watson? Eh? What’s this? Record of a series of messages in the advertisements of a paper. Daily Telegraph agony column by the print and paper. Right-hand top corner of a page. No dates — but messages arrange themselves."
(See Letters, Telegrams and Notices etc.)
Cash-box found in study of Hugo Oberstein
26/06/09 16:59
It was a small tin cash-box which stood upon the writing-desk. Holmes pried it open with his chisel. Several rolls of paper were within, covered with figures and calculations, without any note to show to what they referred. The recurring words “water pressure” and “pressure to the square inch” suggested some possible relation to a submarine. Holmes tossed them all impatiently aside.
Items Sherlock Holmes instructed Dr Watson to bring with him to Goldini's restaurant
26/06/09 16:57
A jemmy, a dark lantern, a chisel, and a revolver.
Snapped twigs outside the office at the Woolwich Arsenal
26/06/09 16:54
There was a laurel bush outside the window, and several of the branches bore signs of having been twisted or snapped. He examined them carefully with his lens, and then some dim and vague marks upon the earth beneath.
Keys needed to obtain access to the Plans
26/06/09 16:52
Three keys needed to obtain the Bruce Partington Plans.
The key of the outer door, the key of the office, and the key of the safe.
Sir James Walter kept all three on the same ring.
The key of the outer door, the key of the office, and the key of the safe.
Sir James Walter kept all three on the same ring.
Bruce Partington Plans
26/06/09 16:51
“Its importance can hardly be exaggerated. It has been the most jealously guarded of all government secrets. You may take it from me that naval warfare becomes impossible within the radius of a Bruce-Partington’s operation. Two years ago a very large sum was smuggled through the Estimates and was expended in acquiring a monopoly of the invention. Every effort has been made to keep the secret. The plans, which are exceedingly intricate, comprising some thirty separate patents, each essential to the working of the whole, are kept in an elaborate safe in a confidential office adjoining the arsenal, with burglarproof doors and windows. Under no conceivable circumstances were the plans to be taken from the office. If the chief constructor of the Navy desired to consult them, even he was forced to go to the Woolwich office for the purpose." (Mycroft Holmes)
Additional items not mentioned in the press.
26/06/09 16:48
Additional items found in Cadogan West's pocket which were not mentioned in the press.
"The papers which this wretched youth had in his pocket were the plans of the Bruce-Partington submarine.” (Mycroft Holmes)
"The papers which this wretched youth had in his pocket were the plans of the Bruce-Partington submarine.” (Mycroft Holmes)
Items found in the pocket of Cadogan West
26/06/09 16:35
"There is a list here of his possessions. His purse contained two pounds fifteen. He had also a cheque-book on the Woolwich branch of the Capital and Counties Bank. Through this his identity was established. There were also two dress-circle tickets for the Woolwich Theatre, dated for that very evening. Also a small packet of technical papers.” (Dr John Watson)
No ticket in the pocket of Cadogan West
26/06/09 16:33
“No ticket! Dear me, Watson, this is really very singular. According to my experience it is not possible to reach the platform of a Metropolitan train without exhibiting one’s ticket." (Sherlock Holmes)
Disc with red circle
22/06/09 17:23
Disc with the red circle on it which was drawn by Gennaro Lucca at the meeting of the Red Circle, and meant that he was chosen to dynamite the house of his friend, benefactor and employer, Snr Castalotte.
Black kid glove
22/06/09 17:13
Black kid glove which lay on the floor by the body of Black Gorgiano. (It is not clear whether this belonged to Gorgiano or Gennaro Lucca)
Two edged dagger
22/06/09 17:11
Two edged dagger which lay on the floor by the right hand of Black Gorgiano. (It is not clear whether Gorgiano was killed with this dagger or whether it was one with which he had tried to defend himself)
Matches and cigarette end
22/06/09 17:09
The landlady drew an envelope from her bag; from it she shook out two burnt matches and a cigarette-end upon the table.
“They were on his tray this morning. I brought them because I had heard that you can read great things out of small ones.”
“They were on his tray this morning. I brought them because I had heard that you can read great things out of small ones.”
Strange items found in the kitchen at Wisteria Lodge
20/06/09 17:21
‘He held up his candle before an extraordinary object which stood at the back of the dresser. It was so wrinkled and shrunken and withered that it was difficult to say what it might have been. One could but say that it was black and leathery and that it bore some resemblance to a dwarfish, human figure. At first, as I examined it, I thought that it was a mummified negro baby, and then it seemed a very twisted and ancient monkey. Finally I was left in doubt as to whether it was animal or human. A double band of white shells was strung round the centre of it.
In silence Baynes led the way to the sink and held forward his candle. The limbs and body of some large, white bird, torn savagely to pieces with the feathers still on, were littered all over it. Holmes pointed to the wattles on the severed head.
“A white cock,” said he. “Most interesting! It is really a very curious case.”
But Mr. Baynes had kept his most sinister exhibit to the last. From under the sink he drew a zinc pail which contained a quantity of blood. Then from the table he took a platter heaped with small pieces of charred bone.’
In silence Baynes led the way to the sink and held forward his candle. The limbs and body of some large, white bird, torn savagely to pieces with the feathers still on, were littered all over it. Holmes pointed to the wattles on the severed head.
“A white cock,” said he. “Most interesting! It is really a very curious case.”
But Mr. Baynes had kept his most sinister exhibit to the last. From under the sink he drew a zinc pail which contained a quantity of blood. Then from the table he took a platter heaped with small pieces of charred bone.’
Hiding place under the carpet
14/11/08 15:13
“Lucas quickly turned back the drugget, thrust the document into some hiding-place there, and covered it over.” (Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope)
Letter which Eduardo Lucas used to blackmail Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope
14/11/08 15:10
“It was a letter of mine, Mr. Holmes, an indiscreet letter written before my marriage — a foolish letter, a letter of an impulsive, loving girl. I meant no harm.”
Duplicate key to the despatch box
14/11/08 15:08
From out of her bosom Lady Hilda had drawn a small key.
“I took an impression of his key. This man, Lucas, furnished a duplicate.”
“I took an impression of his key. This man, Lucas, furnished a duplicate.”
Small picture of Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope
14/11/08 15:05
Holmes turned on the step and held up something in his hand. The constable stared intently.
“Good Lord, sir!” he cried, with amazement on his face.
“Good Lord, sir!” he cried, with amazement on his face.
Blood stains on the wooden floor
14/11/08 15:02
“Well, I’m sure you would never guess in a hundred years what we did find. You see that stain on the carpet? Well, a great deal must have soaked through, must it not?”
“Undoubtedly it must.”
“Well, you will be surprised to hear that there is no stain on the white woodwork to correspond.”
(Inspector Lestrade speaking first to Sherlock Holmes)
“Undoubtedly it must.”
“Well, you will be surprised to hear that there is no stain on the white woodwork to correspond.”
(Inspector Lestrade speaking first to Sherlock Holmes)
Murder weapon
14/11/08 15:01
The knife with which the crime had been committed was a curved Indian dagger, plucked down from a trophy of Oriental arms which adorned one of the walls.
Envelope containing the document in question
14/11/08 14:51
“..... the document in question is of such immense importance that its publication might very easily — I might almost say probably — lead to European complications of the utmost moment. It is not too much to say that peace or war may hang upon the issue.” (Lord Bellinger) Read More...
Blackthorn cudgel
11/11/08 13:35
The stick with which Sir Eustace Brackenstall hit his wife and then attacked Captain Crocker.
See also:
See also:
Bell rope
11/11/08 13:33
“I swarmed up and cut the rope of the bell. Then I lashed her in her chair, and frayed out the end of the rope to make it look natural....(Captain Jack Crocker)
Three wine glasses
11/11/08 13:27
The three glasses were grouped together, all of them tinged with wine, and one of them containing some dregs of beeswing.
Bottle of wine with beeswing
11/11/08 13:21
“The bottle was full of it, and it is inconceivable that the first two glasses were clear and the third heavily charged with it.” (Sherlock Holmes)
- Beeswing is the scum found on the top of aged wine.
Scratch upon the bureau in Professor Coram's study
22/10/08 17:08
The mark which he was examining began upon the brasswork on the righthand side of the keyhole, and extended for about four inches, where it had scratched the varnish from the surface.
Alexandrian cigarettes
22/10/08 17:06
"I have them especially prepared by Ionides, of Alexandria. He sends me a thousand at a time, and I grieve to say that I have to arrange for a fresh supply every fortnight." (Professor Coram)
Packet of letters
22/10/08 17:04
“These are my last words,” said she; “here is the packet which will save Alexis. I confide it to your honour and to your love of justice. Take it! You will deliver it at the Russian Embassy. “ (Anna)
Golden pince-nez
22/10/08 17:03
From his pocket Stanley Hopkins drew a small paper packet. He unfolded it and disclosed a golden pince-nez, with two broken ends of black silk cord dangling from the end of it.
Sealing-wax knife
22/10/08 17:01
The instrument with which the injury had been inflicted lay upon the carpet beside him. It was one of those small sealing-wax knives to be found on old-fashioned writing-tables, with an ivory handle and a stiff blade.
Gilchrist's tan gloves
17/10/08 14:50
Which he left on the chair by the small table in Hilton Soames room.
17/10/08 14:49
Proofs of the Greek examination paper which consisted of half a chapter of Thucydides.
See also:
See also:
Black dough or clay
17/10/08 14:47
A small ball of black dough or clay, with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it.
Shreds from a pencil
17/10/08 14:46
On the table in the window were several shreds from a pencil which had been sharpened. A broken tip of lead was lying there also.
Fortescue Scholarship
17/10/08 14:44
A large sum of money is at stake, for the scholarship is a very valuable one.
Black Pearl
13/10/08 16:45
Next instant, with a loud shout of triumph he held up one splinter, in which a round, dark object was fixed like a plum in a pudding.
“Gentlemen,” he cried, “let me introduce you to the famous black pearl of the Borgias.”
“Gentlemen,” he cried, “let me introduce you to the famous black pearl of the Borgias.”
13/10/08 16:43
He had himself picked up the loaded hunting-crop, which was his favourite weapon.
Napoleonic busts
13/10/08 16:42
Six plaster casts of the famous head of Napoleon by the French sculptor, Devine.
Holmes' burgling kit
23/09/08 16:46
He took a neat little leather case out of a drawer, and opening it he exhibited a number of shining instruments. “This is a first-class, up-to-date burgling kit, with nickel-plated jemmy, diamond-tipped glass-cutter, adaptable keys, and every modern improvement which the march of civilization demands.”
Tobacco pouch
21/09/08 14:04
It was of coarse sealskin — the straight-haired skin, with a leather thong to bind it. Inside was ‘P. C.’ on the flap. There was half an ounce of strong ship’s tobacco in it.
21/09/08 14:02
A drab-covered notebook. The outside was rough and worn, the leaves discoloured. On the first page were written the initials “J. H. N.” and the date “1883.”
Sheath knife
21/09/08 14:01
“A sheath-knife, still in its sheath. It lay at the feet of the dead man. Mrs. Carey has identified it as being her husband’s property.”
Tin Box
21/09/08 13:59
Tin box containing the securities which Neligan Snr. hoped to sell and thereby repay his creditors.
21/09/08 13:58
One was the harpoon with which the deed was committed. It had been snatched down from a rack on the wall. Two others remained there, and there was a vacant place for the third. On the stock was engraved ‘SS. Sea Unicorn, Dundee.’
Cheque for £12,000
11/09/08 16:44
According to Sherlock Holmes the cheque for £12,000 was the first most interesting object that he had seen in the North.
Holmes folded up his cheque and placed it carefully in his notebook. “I am a poor man,” said he, as he patted it affectionately, and thrust it into the depths of his inner pocket.
Holmes folded up his cheque and placed it carefully in his notebook. “I am a poor man,” said he, as he patted it affectionately, and thrust it into the depths of his inner pocket.
Horseshoes made to counterfeit the tracks of cows
11/09/08 16:39
They are for the use of horses, but they are shaped below with a cloven foot of iron, so as to throw pursuers off the track.
“Can you recall that the tracks were sometimes like that, Watson” — he arranged a number of bread-crumbs in this fashion — : : : : : — “and sometimes like this” — : . : . : . : . — “and occasionally like this” — . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ “Can you remember that?” (Sherlock Holmes)
“Can you recall that the tracks were sometimes like that, Watson” — he arranged a number of bread-crumbs in this fashion — : : : : : — “and sometimes like this” — : . : . : . : . — “and occasionally like this” — . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ “Can you remember that?” (Sherlock Holmes)
The Dancing Men
27/08/08 14:43
It consists of a number of absurd little figures dancing across the paper upon which they are drawn.
First Message
“Am here Abe Slaney’

Second Message
‘At Elridges’

Third Message
“ Come Elsie”

Message from Elsie

Last message
‘Elsie prepare to meet thy God’

Message from Sherlock Holmes to Abe Slaney
“Come here at once’

See also:
First Message
“Am here Abe Slaney’

Second Message
‘At Elridges’

Third Message
“ Come Elsie”

Message from Elsie

Last message
‘Elsie prepare to meet thy God’

Message from Sherlock Holmes to Abe Slaney
“Come here at once’

See also:
Legal documents and bank book
24/08/08 17:18
“They were not, so far as I could judge, of any great value, nor did the bank-book show that Mr. Oldacre was in such very affluent circumstances. But it seemed to me that all the papers were not there. There were allusions to some deeds — possibly the more valuable — which I could not find.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Hiding place of Jonas Oldacre
24/08/08 17:17
A lath-and-plaster partition had been run across the passage six feet from the end, with a door cunningly concealed in it. It was lit within by slits under the eaves. A few articles of furniture and a supply of food and water were within, together with a number of books and papers.
Two bundles of straw and two buckets of water
24/08/08 17:15
Used by Sherlock Holmes to create smoke and so raise the alarm of fire.
Three Constables
24/08/08 17:13
Three constables
“May I ask if they are all large, able-bodied men with powerful voices?”
“May I ask if they are all large, able-bodied men with powerful voices?”
Thumb print
24/08/08 17:12
Thumb print in blood supposedly left by John Hector McFarlane in the hall of Jonas Oldacre’s house when he collected his hat.
Discoloured metal disks
24/08/08 17:10
“They had secured several discoloured metal discs. I examined them with care, and there was no doubt that they were trouser buttons. I even distinguished that one of them was marked with the name of ‘Hyams,’ who was Oldacre’s tailor. “ (Sherlock Holmes)
Walking stick belonging to John Hector McFarlane
24/08/08 17:07
An oaken walking-stick, which also showed stains of blood upon the handle.
Sheets from Jonas Oldacre's notebook
24/08/08 17:03
Sheets from a notebook covered with scribbled writing being a draft of Jonas Oldacre's Will written on a train.
“I can read the first few lines, and these in the middle of the second page, and one or two at the end. Those are as clear as print,” said he, “but the writing in between is very bad, and there are three places where I cannot read it at all.” (Inspector Lestrade)
“I can read the first few lines, and these in the middle of the second page, and one or two at the end. Those are as clear as print,” said he, “but the writing in between is very bad, and there are three places where I cannot read it at all.” (Inspector Lestrade)
Wax bust of Sherlock Holmes
21/08/08 23:46
“The credit of the execution is due to Monsieur Oscar Meunier of Grenoble, who spent some days in doing the moulding.”
21/08/08 23:44
The famous air-gun of Von Herder will embellish the Scotland Yard Museum.
Alpine stock and cigarette case
18/08/08 17:56
I have said that his Alpine-stock had been left leaning against a rock which jutted on to the path. From the top of this boulder the gleam of something bright caught my eye, and raising my hand I found that it came from the silver cigarette-case which he used to carry.
Directory of Paris
13/08/08 15:19
This is a directory of Paris,’ said he, ‘with the trades after the names of the people. I want you to take it home with you and to mark off all the hardware-sellers, with their addresses. (Harry Pinner)
11/08/08 14:26
“Well, he has rather more viciousness than I gave him credit for, has Master Joseph. He flew at me with his knife, and I had to grasp him twice, and got a cut over the knuckles, before I had the upper hand of him.” (Sherlock Holmes)
Naval Treaty
11/08/08 14:24
“Without going into details, I may say that it defined the position of Great Britain towards the Triple Alliance, and foreshadowed the policy which this country would pursue in the event of the French fleet gaining a complete ascendency over that of Italy in the Mediterranean. The questions treated in it were purely naval.” (Percy Phelps)
09/08/08 19:43
Peering in, we could see that the only light in the room came from a dull blue flame which flickered from a small brass tripod in the centre. It threw a livid unnatural circle upon the floor, while in the shadows beyond we saw the vague loom of two figures which crouched against the wall. From the open door there reeked a horrible poisonous exhalation which set us gasping and coughing.
09/08/08 19:41
“He began by drawing a most formidable-looking bludgeon loaded with lead from his pocket, and switching it backward and forward several times, as if to test its weight and strength.” (Mr Melas)
Sherlock Holmes-catalepsy
07/08/08 14:22
“And the catalepsy?”
“A fraudulent imitation, Watson, though I should hardly dare to hint as much to our specialist. It is a very easy complaint to imitate. I have done it myself.”
“A fraudulent imitation, Watson, though I should hardly dare to hint as much to our specialist. It is a very easy complaint to imitate. I have done it myself.”
Four cigar ends
07/08/08 14:15
“Here are four cigar-ends that I picked out of the fireplace.” (Inspector Lanner)
Screw driver and screws
07/08/08 14:13
“I found a screw-driver and some screws on the wash-hand stand.” (Inspector Lanner)
04/08/08 16:45
Door key
04/08/08 16:44
The key was missing from the door so it could not be opened from either side.
Heavy club
04/08/08 16:42
Upon the floor, close to the body, was lying a singular club of hard carved wood with a bone handle.
Strange items stolen
02/08/08 16:12
“The thieves ransacked the library and got very little for their pains. The whole place was turned upside down, drawers burst open, and presses ransacked, with the result that an odd volume of Pope’s Homer, two plated candlesticks, an ivory letter-weight, a small oak barometer, and a ball of twine are all that have vanished.”
Packets and ears
31/07/08 17:13
At two o’clock yesterday afternoon a small packet, wrapped in brown paper, was handed in by the postman. A cardboard box was inside, which was filled with coarse salt. On emptying this, Miss Cushing was horrified to find two human ears, apparently quite freshly severed. The box had been sent by parcel post from Belfast upon the morning before. Read More...
Powdered opium
24/07/08 17:29
Finally, an analysis has shown that the remains of his supper left by the stable-lad contained an appreciable quantity of powdered opium, while the people at the house partook of the same dish on the same night without any ill effect.
Powdered opium is by no means tasteless. The flavour is not disagreeable, but it is perceptible. Were it mixed with any ordinary dish the eater would undoubtedly detect it and would probably eat no more. A curry was exactly the medium which would disguise this taste.
Powdered opium is by no means tasteless. The flavour is not disagreeable, but it is perceptible. Were it mixed with any ordinary dish the eater would undoubtedly detect it and would probably eat no more. A curry was exactly the medium which would disguise this taste.
Walking stick and cravat
24/07/08 17:26
Heavy Stick and cravat both belonging to Fitzroy Simpson.
The stick was a Penang lawyer, weighted with lead.
The stick was a Penang lawyer, weighted with lead.
Contents of John Straker's pockets
24/07/08 17:23
There was a box of vestas, two inches of tallow candle, an A D P brier-root pipe, a pouch of sealskin with half an ounce of long-cut Cavendish, a silver watch with a gold chain, five sovereigns in gold, an aluminum pencil-case, a few papers, and an ivory-handled knife with a very delicate, inflexible blade marked Weiss & Co., London.
Electric Blue dress
22/07/08 17:14
“The dress which I found waiting for me was of a peculiar shade of blue. It was of excellent material, a sort of beige, but it bore unmistakable signs of having been worn before.” (Violet Hunter)
Two perfectly matched coils of chestnut hair
22/07/08 17:08
“It was of the same peculiar tint, and the same thickness.” (Violet Hunter) Read More...
Beryl Coronet
21/07/08 12:13
A small or relatively simple crown, especially as worn by lesser royalty and peers or peeresses.
See also:
A small or relatively simple crown, especially as worn by lesser royalty and peers or peeresses.
See also:
Hotel bill
20/07/08 13:12
Hotel bill on the reverse of which Francis Hay Moulton had written the note to Hattie Doran.
- Oct. 4th, rooms 8s., breakfast 2s. 6d., cocktail 1s., lunch 2s. 6d., glass sherry, 8d.
Pockets and card-cases
20/07/08 13:10
“In the dress is a pocket. In the pocket is a card-case. In the card-case is a note. And here is the very note.”
He slapped it down upon the table in front of him.
He slapped it down upon the table in front of him.
Weddding dresses and veils
20/07/08 13:08
He (Lestrade) opened his bag as he spoke, and tumbled onto the floor a wedding-dress of watered silk, a pair of white satin shoes and a bride’s wreath and veil, all discoloured and soaked in water.
“There,” said he, putting a new wedding-ring upon the top of the pile.
“There,” said he, putting a new wedding-ring upon the top of the pile.
Hard felt hat
17/07/08 16:00
The hard felt hat belonging to Mr Henry Baker from which Sherlock Holmes was able to deduce so much about its’ owner.
Blue Carbuncle
17/07/08 15:58
The carbuncle is a beautiful gem of a rich red color found in the East Indies. Read More...
Bricks, bags and coats
14/07/08 17:49
Deal box of child’s bricks on the table in the room of Hugh Boone.
Deal: box fir or pine wood, esp. when sawn into planks of a standard size. A plank of such wood. Read More...
Deal: box fir or pine wood, esp. when sawn into planks of a standard size. A plank of such wood. Read More...
Five Orange Pips
11/07/08 16:49
The warning which K.K.K. sent to those who did not follow their dictates.
Gray something
11/07/08 08:50
“Yet I (James McCarthy) have a vague impression that as I ran forward something lay upon the ground to the left of me.” Read More...
Stone used to murder Charles McCarthy
11/07/08 08:48
The stone under which no grass was growing and which had been used to murder Charles McCarthy.
Four letters
09/07/08 14:29
07/07/08 16:56
Encyclopaedia Britannica
07/07/08 16:53
To copy out the Encyclopaedia Britannica was the task set for Jabez Wilson by the Redheaded League.
Walking Clothes
05/07/08 16:44
These were the clothes which Irene Adler had named her ‘walking clothes’ which she used when she wished to dress as a man and go about ‘incognito’.
Photograph of Irene Adler
05/07/08 16:37
A Cabinet sized photograph of Irene Adler in evening dress which she left in exchange for the one of her and the King of Bohemia when she departed for the Continent.
Cabinet sized photographs were larger and could not be easily concealed in a pocket or purse.
Cabinet sized photographs were larger and could not be easily concealed in a pocket or purse.
Yellow Mask
03/07/08 15:54
The yellow mask worn by Lucy Hebron so that her face should not be seen by neighbours.
Small wooden box
30/06/08 17:36