Violet de Merville

Young, rich, beautiful, accomplished, a wonder-woman in every way.
“The girl glories in showing abject filial obedience in all secondary things in an attempt to atone for her flagrant breach of it in her engagement.”

“Demure, pale, self-contained, as inflexible and remote as a snow image on a mountain.”

“She is beautiful, but with the ethereal other-world beauty of some fanatic whose thoughts are set on high. I have seen such faces in the pictures of the old masters of the Middle Ages. How a beastman could have laid his vile paws upon such a being of the beyond I cannot imagine. You may have noticed how extremes call to each other, the spiritual to the animal, the cave-man to the angel. You never saw a worse case than this.”

“She waved us into our respective chairs like a reverend abbess receiving two rather leprous mendicants.”

“All my hot words could not bring one tinge of colour to those ivory cheeks or one gleam of emotion to those abstracted eyes.” (Sherlock Holmes)